January 11, 2025

Next Releases & Price Increase

Dan Koe

What if you had a Second Brain?
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We've been building up to this moment for a long time.

Throughout the rest of January and February, we will be releasing:

  • (Released) Desktop app. With new floating capture and documents to take notes from anywhere on your computer.
  • (Released) Light mode. For those who aren't #teamdarkmode
  • (Released) Voice transcription. Voice-to-text in capture that is accurate and structures the text in paragraphs and lists.
  • iOS Mobile App. Android will come shortly after.
  • Sessions in capture. Think of these like "chats" to organize your captures. This will prepare us for AI features.
  • Tweet embeds, YouTube embeds, and images in capture.
  • Full Offline Mode. Store files locally on web, desktop, and mobile to edit offline and increase performance.
  • Kortex AI. Write content in your own voice, chat with your workspace or documents, reference documents with "@," and use our built in system prompts for posts, newsletters, video scripts, and much more.

Voice Transcription and Kortex AI will be available to Kore or Premium subscribers only.

Price Increase Information

Originally, we were going to add AI as a separate add-on like Notion and other apps. Instead, since it will be so integral to Kortex (in more ways than just chatting or asking questions), we decided to bake it into the current tiers.

Kortex AI features won't only be for chatting with your workspace or documents. In the future, it will transcribe any link or file you import into Kortex. These features will start after the ones listed above. This allows you to:

  • Read and highlight all books, newsletters, or articles in Kortex
  • Search and find anything, including images or videos
  • Connect any document or source with AI to quickly outline or write newsletters, posts, articles, video scripts, landing pages, and more.

With that, the price of both Kore and Premium will be going up at the end of January.

Kore Price Difference
Premium Price Difference

For current Kore and Premium subscribers, you will maintain your current rate for life, or until you upgrade or cancel.

We are mentioning this for those that want to lock in a lower rate. If you upgrade to Kore or Premium in your Kortex billing settings, you will keep that rate for life.

Note that while we plan to get these features in throughout January, things happen, and it could get delayed, but not by long.

We hope you're along with us for the ride this year.

We have much more planned after these releases (workspaces, adding team members, transcribing all links and files, transcribing images so you can find them with search, and a new homepage that may blow your socks off.)

We will be sending out emails with each feature release, so keep your eyes peeled.

If you want to receive those emails, simply sign up for Kortex here and you will receive them.