October 16, 2024

Kortex Capture Tutorial: One Place To Capture All Ideas

Dan Koe

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Table of Contents

I can't count the number of times I've lost a great idea.

I was so excited in the moment I had the idea, so I scramble for a place to write it down… whatever app was the first to come to mind:

  • Apple Notes
  • 1 of the 3 todo list apps I have on my phone
  • A random Notion document
  • The closest sticky note or notebook I have
  • Sometimes I even send myself a text just because it's the easiest to do

When I have ideas, I'm usually not in a place where I can start writing about it immediately. I just need to get the idea down for later.

I could be rushing out the door to get somewhere.

I could be on a walk listening to an audiobook.

I could be in the middle of a great conversation with a friend (is it rude to write down ideas during a conversation?)

The point is:

Having a long-running note isn't optimal for storing important ideas that could change the course of your life or career.

Putting ideas in your todo app is only going to make you not want to write out your todos.

And worst of all, putting your ideas in random places guarantees that most of them will get lost.

That's why we created Kortex Capture.

Random ideas don't belong in documents, notes, or pages.

Ideas are short and individual.

They should be organized on their own.

So, let's go over the simplest way to unlock the full power of Kortex Capture.

Quick note: This is the base version of capture. We have much, much more coming to make it the greatest idea capture feature known to man.

1) Idea Capture Is A Habit

Write down ideas from books, conversations, podcasts, social media content, or from random journeys your mind decides to take you on as someone snaps their fingers in front of your face asking if you're okay.

Write down the ideas that spark excitement and inspiration in you.

2) Write It In Capture Without Worrying About Anything Else

Kortex Capture is a running inbox of all of your ideas.

It's like texting yourself.

Don't worry about anything aside from writing the idea down at first.

You can organize it along the way or when you come back to it.

3) Add Tags Or Connections For Organization

If you are capturing an idea for a specific project inside Kortex like:

  • An email
  • A podcast interview outline
  • A YouTube video outline
  • A landing page
  • A batch of social posts
  • A book chapter
  • A course curriculum draft

You can add a "connection" to that captured idea by typing "@" or pressing the "@" icon and typing the document name you want to connect to.

This is useful when you already know where you want to organize your ideas. When I'm writing my book, I can @ connect to a specific chapter and save my ideas there. If I'm writing my newsletter for the week, I can do the same thing. If I have a task I need to remember, I'll connect it to my daily planning template. Or I can simply connect the idea to a folder that I use to categorize certain types of notes, like "Creativity Notes."

By the way, you can view all ideas captured to a specific document inside the document properties panel:

Document Properties For Quick Capture Reference

Now, if you don't have a document you want to connect the idea to, you can organize it with Tags.

I personally like to add tags for specific categories, keywords, and purposes like:

  • #business (category)
  • #niching down (keyword)
  • #post idea (purpose)

You can create or search for a tag by typing "#" in the text field followed by the tag name.

4) Find Your Ideas When You Need Them

Now, you can find your captured ideas in a few ways:

  • You can open the Search menu by pressing Cmd+K and searching for a tag or the content of the captured idea.
  • You can press the inbox icon in the top right of any document to open the Capture pane with that document as a connection (to see captured ideas for only that document).
  • You can open the Capture pane and filter by connections or tags.

That's it!

Now you have one single place you can capture all of your ideas without them getting lost.

You no longer have to wonder what app you should write the idea in.

Just open Kortex Capture, type, and organize for later.

Keep an eye out for future emails going over more of our favorite features.

Until then, feel free to join our free Discord community for our Second Brain course, a forum to connect with other users, and our roadmap + release notes.